December 2022 Newsletter

North Brighton Community Garden Newsletter - December 2022

Hello gardeners! Here's an update on this month's activities and events

What's been happening?

2022 Christmas Party Friday 9th December

Wow! It was a lovely night for a Christmas Party in the garden. Great food, perfect weather and most importantly a lovely group of people coming together to share a meal and each other's company. It was so nice to see a mixture of new and existing members. This is a great example of how a community garden can bring people together

Rock Painting Workshop – Wednesday 30th November

During this workshop a group of garden members got together and created Christmas themed ‘Kindness Rocks’. These will be hidden in the garden a little closer to Christmas. We plan to hold more of these workshops in the new year.

Annual General Meeting - Sunday 20th November

As part of the AGM the garden committee for 2023 was elected. Your committee members are:

·     Chairperson – Beau

·     Vice Chair – Lisa

·     Treasurer – Jay

·     Secretary – Barbara F

·     Membership Coordinator (General & Plot membership) – Miranda

·     Plot Holder Representative – Gloria

·     General Committee: Margi, Barbara, Kiki & Sam

The committee can by contact by sending an email to

The committee is meeting on 12th January to plan what could be done in the garden for 2023. Let us know if you have any suggestions on events, education session or changes you would like to see at the garden.

Upcoming Events

Working Bee  

When: Sunday 8th January, from 10.30 am

Where: North Brighton Community Garden, (parking off Brimble St)

What to Bring: Gardening gloves, water bottle, sunscreen & hat

Regular Events

New Member Orientation

When: Sunday 8th January (for this month only the second Sunday of the month) at 11am

Where: North Brighton Community Garden, (parking off Brimble St)

Recently joined as a garden member or want to learn about what we do and how you can be involved in the garden, come along to a new member orientation session. No booking required.  

House (garden) Keeping

Locks + Keys

·     There have been a few instances where locks have been left open. Gate padlock – if you’re the first one to open the garden for the day, make sure the padlock is locked to the mesh on the gate and the numbers scrambled so we don’t lose the lock.

·     Key box(s) – when closing make sure the numbers are left scrambled

·     All keys have now been labelled. Please remember to return them to the wall.

·     The oval key and toilet key will be locked away for security purposes

Back Gate
The back gate is to be used for emergencies and larger deliveries only. It must be locked from the INSIDE only and chain not accessible from outside the garden. You shouldn't be able to lock and exit via the back gate - i.e you must exit via the front gate if the back gate is locked properly.

Garden tools
Some tools have been moved to the small sliding shed. When you have finished using any of the garden tools, please put them back safely away in the shed and lock the nursery 

Member Plots + missing produce
Reminder, that the plots on the left-hand side of the garden when you walk into the garden are leased by members. Members put a lot of time, money and effort into growing produce for their own use. Please don’t pick any produce from these plots without permission. If you see any of the general public doing so, please politely ask them to stop.
If unsure of what produce is available to garden members, please ask before taking.

Wishing our wonderful garden community, a very happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

North Brighton Community Garden Committee


North Brighton Community Garden

North Brighton Community Garden, 61 Bowker Street, North Brighton, SA, 5048, Australia

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